
The package can be installed using pip3 (or pip, if there is no dedicated version of pip for Python 3 installed), which generally comes bundled with Python installations. Note that Python version >=3.8 is required to install the latest version.

pip3 install workflow-nodes

Note that some tools require additional dependencies which are not installed by default, as they might require additional setup which can vary for each operating system. These dependencies can be installed by using the extras notation of pip, e.g.:

pip3 install workflow-nodes[<extra>]

The following extras currently exist:

  • ssh: For using SSH tools via Paramiko.

If desired, all optional dependencies can also be installed at once using:

pip3 install workflow-nodes[all]

In order to use a tool, make sure the workflow-nodes command is runnable from anywhere, e.g. by running:

workflow-nodes --help

If the command is not available, the PATH system variable may need to be adapted accordingly to include the path the executable resides in. For example, the following command can be used on Linux, assuming the executable resides in ~/.local/bin:

export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}

This line can also be added to .bashrc so it will be executed each time a new terminal is opened:

echo 'export PATH=${HOME}/.local/bin:${PATH}' >> ${HOME}/.bashrc

On Windows, the PATH can be modified permanently by editing the respective environment variable in the advanced system settings of the control panel.

To use the tools inside a workflow using kadistudio, they have to be added to the file $HOME/.kadistudio/tools.txt. Afterwards you can insert them using the “Add Tool” context menu option in the editor.

To register all available nodes from this repository at once, use the following command:

workflow-nodes --commands >> ~/.kadistudio/tools.txt

Autocompletion is also available for some shells, namely bash, zsh and fish, and can be activated using:

workflow-nodes config activate-autocompletion